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The name of the organization shall be the Kingsboro Civic League, hereafter referred to as KCL.


The permanent addresses of the KCL will be the mailing addresses of the serving President and of the serving Treasurer. When either of these offices experiences turnover, the new permanent address for the KCL will be sent out in the next KCL newsletter.


The KCL is a non-profit organization established to enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood and community through activities and programs citizens can do either by themselves or in partnership with municipal, civic, and business organizations.


The geographic boundaries of the KCL will be that of the Kingsboro neighborhood, defined as the following:

SOUTHERN BOUNDARY: Pinner Street (both sides) from directly above the railroad tracks eastward to Constance Road.

EASTERN BOUNDARY: The intersection of Pinner Street and Constance Road (all corners included except the eastern corner), then northward to Shingle Creek; along Shingle Creek to the easternmost extension of Oak Island Road .

NORTHERN BOUNDARY: From Shingle Creek northward to the furthest extension of Oak Island Road, then westward to the Nansemond River, and along the Nansemond River to include all of River Point Drive, then southward to the northeast corner of the Cedar Hill Cemetery.

WESTERN BOUNDARY: Along the eastern border of the Cedar Hill Cemetery southward to Pinner Street directly above the railroad tracks.

 (See attached map for details)


Membership will be open to all individuals who are at least 18 years of age and meet one of the following criteria:

(A) All owners of record of real property located in Kingsboro (as defined by Article IV);

(B) Any individual who physically resides in Kingsboro (as defined by Article IV) and can provide proof of residency via any of the following with pre-printed information contained on the document: drivers license, current checking account, or a copy of a utility bill not more than 60 days old;

(C) An owner of a licensed business with a lease in real property which is properly zoned in Kingsboro (as defined by Article IV).

(D) A member shall be dropped from the roles of membership in the event that: (a) It is the opinion of the membership, expressed by a majority vote at a regular meeting, that the member's conduct has brought discredit to the League, members or any elected officers.

The annual membership dues shall be $25.00 per household anually, unlesss a single household which will be $12.50 anually. Dues are paid on July 1st each year).


The elected officers of the KCL shall be the President, Vice-President of Administration, Vice-President of Neighborhood Security, Secretary, Treasurer.

The officers shall be elected at the June meeting and take office in August. A Nominating Committee, consisting of three persons, shall be appointed by the President in April (the President may not serve on the Committee). Nominations will be announced by the Committee in May. If there is only one nomination for any office, that nominee will be acclaimed, and no election will be held for that office.

Officers, except for the Treasurer, shall be elected to serve a term of one year and may be re-elected as often as the KCL wishes.

The Treasurer’s term will last for as long as (s)he is willing to serve. When the Treasurer position is vacated, the Chairman of the Finance Committee will serve as acting Treasurer until the members elect a permanent one. A Nominating Committee, consisting of three persons, shall be appointed by the President at the meeting immediately following the Treasurer’s resignation (the acting Treasurer may not serve on the Committee). Nominations for Treasurer will be announced by the Committee at the subsequent meeting, and the new Treasurer will be elected at the meeting after nominations are announced, unless there is only one nominee, in which case said nominee will be acclaimed. The new Treasurer will serve upon election or acclimation.

Elections for other offices vacated during the one-year term will proceed in the same manner as described above for election of a new Treasurer. Officers elected or acclaimed to fill a mid-year vacancy will serve upon election or acclimation.


     (A)  PRESIDENT – The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the KCL. (S)he shall be the presiding officer at all of the meetings of the KCL, and shall prepare an agenda for each KCL meeting. (S)he shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating and Audit Committees. (S)he shall appoint a chairperson and members of all Standing Committees and such other committees as are necessary.

      (B) VICE-PRESIDENT OF ADMINSTRATION – The Vice-President of Administration shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence, or if the Presidency is vacated, in which case (s)he will act as President (with the same restrictions regarding the Nominating Committee) until and during the election of a new President.

     (C) VICE-PRESIDENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD SECURITY – The Vice-President of Neighborhood Security shall serve as chairman of the Neighborhood Security Committee.

     (D) SECRETARY – The Secretary shall keep a complete record of the meetings of the members and the Board, and keep current records of the members of the KCL: including but not limited to addresses, phone numbers, membership rights, and activities. The Secretary shall give notice of meetings of the members and the Executive Board.

      (E)  TREASURER – The Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt, control accounting, and – upon proper authorization – the disbursement of KCL funds. (S)he shall render such financial reports at the general meetings, or as directed by the President. (S)he may approve expenditures not exceeding $100 per occurrence (expenditures between $100 and $300 must be approved by the Executive Board, and expenditures above $300.00 must be approved by the KCL as a whole.


The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the KCL, plus the immediate past President. The Executive Board shall meet the week prior to a regularly scheduled KCL meeting.


     (A) Adopt and publish rules and regulations establishing and governing KCL operations.

      (B) Exercise the powers, duties, and authorities vested in the KCL but not reserved to the voting membership by these By-Laws.

      (C) Declare vacant the office of a member of the Executive Board because of disqualification. An officer can only be disqualified by a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Board.


The following Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President to serve a term of office concurrent with the officers.

(A) Membership

(B) Hospitality

(C) Special Events

(D) Maintenance

(E)  Neighborhood Security

(F)  Public Information

(G) Finance

In addition to the Standing Committees, the President may appoint Nominating and Audit Committees when necessary and applicable. The President may not serve on either of these two committees.


Regular meetings of the KCL shall be held monthly. The meetings shall be held on the 1st Monday of the month, or as designated by the President in the event of a conflict with a holiday, or if special meeting is called.


At least 15 members, or a majority of the membership (whichever is smaller), shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business at any regular meeting of the KCL. Members who are unable to attend may send a signed proxy notice with other members so they may be included as present. Members represented by proxy yield the power of their vote to the proxy holder unless specific written instructions are given regarding potential votes.


These By-Laws may be amended by a simple majority of the members present, so long as there is a quorum and written notice was given to the members at least one meeting before the vote.


The business and proceedings of the KCL shall be governed by its By-Laws. For matters not covered by the By-Laws, “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall prevail.